
Peels are extremely versatile. They mobilize the skin for cell renewal.

Peeling is an effective element of anti-aging prevention. They work on the epidermis and dermis simultaneously. On the one hand, they regulate the maturation process of the epidermis, and on the other, they increase the production of collagen and elastin.

Peels are not limited to refresh gray and tired skin. For mature skin, they help smooth out fine wrinkles and restore lost firmness. Peels perfectly cope with the effects of excessive sun exposure such as calluses, spots, freckles and discoloration. Peels can be treated as part of acne therapy and acne lesions, help remove blackheads, relieve inflammation, and even reduce scars. Most chemical peels are prepared based on natural ingredients.

The treatment involves applying a swab or brush to the treated surface with a liquid, gel or mask. It stays on the skin from a few minutes to an hour. It depends on the properties of the preparation, the individual sensitivity of the patient and the effect that we want to achieve. Some acids, such as glycolic acid, require additional neutralization with a special preparation. Each time the treatment ends with protecting the skin with a soothing cream. A day or two after the procedure, the skin may remain red and exfoliation usually takes 3-4 days.

Makeup can be done a few hours after the procedure, but if it is not necessary, it is worth waiting one day.

A contraindication to chemical peels is permanent exposure to the sun, skin allergies, taking antibiotics, Accutan and topical Retinol, cardiac drugs, herpes as well as irritated and damaged skin.

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