Crow’s feet
Wrinkles around the eyes, so-called “Crow’s feet” or laughing lines are hard to hide and unfortunately very visible. The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and thin, has little fat, and the fibers in it are thin and weak. The skin around the eyes is particularly delicate, it often has redness, irritation and is aging faster.
Treatments to eliminate these wrinkles involve the injection of BOTOX®. The treatment prevents facial muscles from shrinking, which in turn leads to a reduction of existing changes under the eyes.
Horizontal forehead wrinkles
Forehead wrinkles are wrinkles that appear under the influence of frowning in worry, surprise or surprise. Predisposition to all wrinkles, not just forehead wrinkles, we inherit. And that they appear sooner or later is due to genes.
A proper diet and creams are not always enough. We have only limited influence on the skin aging process. It is worth referring to methods that may delay this process and decide on the BOTOX® treatment, which will postpone the aging process for some time.
Vertical forehead wrinkles
Vertical forehead wrinkles are a consequence of squinting, forehead wrinkling, nearsightedness and frequent exposure to the sun without sunglasses. As a result of reduced skin elasticity and reduced skin firmness, all facial expressions that are difficult to control lead to forehead wrinkles. The forehead is a visible and very sensitive place, and vertical forehead wrinkles do not add charm, giving the face a threatening, worried or tired look. These wrinkles can be eliminated either with BOTOX® or filled with hyaluronic acid.
Wrinkle smoothing treatments are the fastest spread of all aesthetic therapies used. Normally, the effect of the treatment lasts up to 6 months. In permanent BOTOX this period was extended to over a year. By administering the increased dose in short intervals, the activity of BOTOX® is extended twice, without exposing patients to frequent visits to doctor’s offices and uncomfortable contact with the needle.
For excessive sweating
Sweat has no smell. It is the bacteria that are on the skin that cause the breakdown of sweat and are responsible for its unpleasant odor. It happens sometimes that we sweat intensively, although we have no specific reason to do so. If it is a repetitive situation then we are talking about “excessive sweating”.
BOTOX® injections are a good way to stop sweating. The treatment involves blocking nerve endings that work with the external secretion glands. A half-hour treatment frees patients from excessive sweating, even for over half a year. These treatments are performed with excessive sweating of the armpits, feet and hands.
The latest trend in BOTOX® therapy was called BABY BOTOX®, when an increasing number of BOTOX® supporters decided to limit the amount of injected substance for a more natural look.
Without completely resigning from BOTOX® therapy, while reducing the amount of injected preparation, one avoids a perfectly shaped face, completely free of traces of mimic wrinkles, in favor of a slightly refreshed and naturally corrected beauty.
The advantage of BABY BOTOX® is that it can be used at an early age, when genetic makings tend to reach for a product that eliminates the signs of premature aging.