Effective Botox treatments. Not just for wrinkles!
Each of us wants to be beautiful and eternally young, which is why we spend hundreds of dollars on various creams, which unfortunately do not work as wonderfully as the ads show.

Various types of exfoliating facial scrubs, despite the wonderful recipes, also do not provide the effects that most of us expect. That is why Botox® treatments are more and more popular. Botox® injection gives an immediate effect!
Botox makes the features mild, wrinkles smoothen out, and the face looks a few years younger. The mechanism of action of Botox was first used by neurology and ophthalmology. Botulinum toxin (Botox) was used, among others, to remove excessive muscle tension in children with cerebral palsy or people after stroke. When strabismus was started to be treated with it, it was noticed that it not only improves the condition of the eyes, but also smoothes facial wrinkles. By trial and error, the appropriate doses and methods of injecting the formulation were developed, and thus Botox began his career in the field of aesthetic dermatology. Botox treatments began in the world in the late 1980s.
With the use of Botox, a doctor can eliminate:
- forehead wrinkles - transverse or so-called lions (vertical between eyebrow arches)
- Crow's feet
- lower eyelid wrinkles
- upper lip wrinkles (so-called smoker's wrinkles)
- wrinkles around the neck
- raise the falling corners of the mouth
- migraine headaches
- hyperhidrosis treatment
- bruxism treatment (clenching and gnashing of teeth during sleep)
You can go for treatment even if you are 25 years old. It is often the case that express mimic wrinkles are already visible in very young people. In this case, Botox injection will also work preventively. The less often we frown, the less likely that the wrinkle will become permanent and in the future will also be visible without any facial expressions.
Preparation for Botox
You don't need to do any tests before the procedure. All you need is a detailed medical history at the beginning of your visit.
Botox injection procedure
Before the procedure, the doctor degreases and disinfects the skin with a non-alcoholic preparation. It is a practically painless procedure. The only form of anesthesia is ice cooling. Even very sensitive patients admit that the procedure is not painful. Botox injection lasts only a few minutes. The first results appear between the 2nd and 14th day after surgery.
Botox - contraindications
Botox treatment should be given up primarily by pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with blood coagulation disorders. Botulinum toxin is also not used in children under 12 years of age (except for some neurological and ophthalmic indications).
There are many places where you can undergo a Botox treatment. One of them is Dr. DARIUSZ NASIEKA, which is located in Garfield at 800 River Dr. This is one of the few offices where you can get professional consultations about other treatments that the doctor performs.
Friendly service makes patients relaxed, smiling and happy to come back here. To make an appointment, just call 973-773-7730.